Afghanistan 2019 – Then and Now Project
Thank you for your interest in this project.
Why Afghanistan?
2019 is the centenary of the Third Afghan War which the Border Regiment were involved in. The British Army have had a long connection with Afghanistan over the past 180 years with many lives lost. The British have fought four conflicts in Afghanistan. The First Afghan War began in 1839 and Britain’s fourth fight there came in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The last combat troops left the country in October 2014.
Why this project?
The Museum is keen to record the experiences of those who were there. We want to make our collections up-to-date by gathering information, photographs and objects of this latest conflict. We want YOUR stories to document this.
The Museum would like to add to its already extensive archive with photos, objects, oral history recordings and film to ensure Afghanistan is not forgotten. Information that will be available for future generations. We want those who were there to be part of this process.
It’s not just guns and bullets…
It is important to record the ordinary person’s experience of Afghanistan. What was it like for you? The weather, conditions, daily life and routine, kit, equipment, food, accommodation, the humour…
The Museum needs help gathering these details, to record them for the future. We want people to see the other side of the conflict – from the service man’s and service woman’s perspective, to ensure that these memories are not forgotten. This information will be available for future generations.
I’m interested, what happens next?
We need you to complete the project proforma and return it to the Museum . Click here to fill it in online or click down load: AfghanistanProforma and email or post the from to us.
We will then contact you as we need your help – we want your experiences to be recorded to form the basis of an exhibition. We will involve a film-maker and designer to ensure the highest quality displays and support you along the way. We need help with marketing, talks, social media and events including Armed Forces Day. What we need is your time and commitment to put this together.
We want to include everyone in the project – the focus will be the Museum in Carlisle, but participants can contribute from afar.
Anyone can be part of this project. Contact if you have any further questions. We look forward to working with you.
Thanks to the Armed Forces Covenant for funding this project.