IMG E8678 CollagePortrait Trench BlitzPainting

Dragon Print By Artist Pui Lee For CMOML Summer Workshop July 2020

Welcome to our digital holiday workshops. With the assistance of funding from Arts Council England, we have scheduled a digital Wednesday workshop during the school holidays of 2020.

Creative practitioners have put together a variety of exciting activities to reflect our wide and varied collections.

You can find the information to all of these workshops below:

Holiday  Workshop Make Your Own Army Drum! with Artist Pui Lee

Taking inspiration from the museums famous Arroyo drums this weeks activity is to make your own and add all the deatils and decoration.

Instructional Worksheets For CMOML Drum Making With Artist Pui Lee


Holiday Workshop Make Do and Mend! Make a catch-a-ball toy or a sock puppet!with artist Abby

Your challenge is to create some toys by recycling household materials.
During WW2, children played many different games, both in groups and individually. Families were short of money so only the rich children had toys. Other children may have had a football and maybe if lucky, a couple of marbles.
Most children made their own toys and played for hours because they did not have video games or television!

Download the PDF to find out how to Make Do And Mend Toys


Holiday Workshop with Dani

Make your own Origami Flying Messenger Pigeon!

Dani has produced a video for today’s workshop where you can learn to make your own origami messenger pigeon.

Click here to watch the workshop





Holiday Workshop with Abby

Design your own commemorative item!

In the Cumbria Museum of Military Life there are lots of objects that commemorate events, from medals and coins, to porcelein and plaques. People often collect souvenirs as a reminder of a person, place or important events.
Create your own commemorative object to remember someone or something important to you. You could take inspirationd from the 75th anniversary of VE and VJ day this weekend, or 80th anniversary of The Battle of Britain or even something linked to our experiences of COVID and being in lockdown this year.

Down load the PDF to find out how Design your own commemorative item

Holiday Workshop with Artist Pui!

Make Your Own Shoebox Trench Using Recycled Materials!

On the Western Front, the war was fought by soldiers in trenches.
Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived.
There were many lines of German trenches on one side and many lines of Allied trenches on the other.
In the middle was no man’s land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side.

Trenches were originally designed to protect World War I troops from machine-gun fire and artillery attack from the air .

The typical trench system in World War I consisted of a series of two, three, four, or more trench lines running parallel to each other and being at least 1 mile in depth. Each trench was dug in a type of zigzag so that no enemy, standing at one end, could fire for more than a few yards down its length
Instructional Worksheets For CMOML Shoebox Trench Making With Artist Pui Lee

Holiday Workshop with Artist Abby!

Create your own Dazzle Art ‘Dazzle’ was a way of camouflaging of ships by painting them with bold, geometric patterns. It was widely used in the First World War and into the Second World war too. ‘Dazzle’ didn’t make a ship invisible to its enemies, but the shapes were disorientating and confused the enemy as it was difficult to accurately gauge the distance, direction and speed at which it is travelling, so made it harder to attack.

Dazzle Art

Boat Instructions

Ship Template

Butterfly Templates


Holiday Workshop with Artist Katie!

Create your own  Collage Portait and Collage Poppy

Collage Portait Instructions

Collage Poppy Instructions

Holiday Workshop with Artist Katie!

Create your own Blitz Painting

Blitz Painting Instructions

Holiday Workshop with Artist Abby!

Make your own Fiery Dragon Puppet  Inspired by The Border Regiment Badge

Fiery Dragon Instructions

Fiery Dragon Template

Holiday Workshop with Artist Pui Lee!

Printmaking is the technique for printing text, image or pattern onto another surface like paper or fabric. It is just one way an artist can create a really cool artwork to be proud of! 🙂 Printmaking is definitely lots of fun and the best thing about it, is that you can make repeat copies easily too.

Block-printing traditionally involves carving an image in reverse onto a piece of wood. The woodblock is then inked and printed onto paper or fabric.

Click on the link below for your print making instructions:

Printmaking Instructional Worksheets For CMOML Dragon Block Printing With Artist Pui Lee

Lottery Logo Black RGB

Drum Pic
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Design your own commemorative item


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Dazzle Art



CollagePortrait CollagePoppy


Firey Dragon


Dragon Print By Artist Pui Lee For CMOML Summer Workshop July 2020

Click on the images for your instructions:


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