Minutes of Committee Meeting of the Friends of Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life 26 May 2021 (via Zoom)


1) Present: N. Lewis, M. Milbourn, Ms J Wooding, M. Rosling, , P. Green, K Moualem,   M English, C. Stitt, M Lund

Apologies  Mrs M  McArdle & D Allardice

2) Matters Arising not elsewhere on the Agenda.


Local History Groups to be contacted when they are meeting normally at the museum Action J W

RAF Association to be contacted to discuss some form of membership Action NDL


3) Magazine

An update of the Magazine was given

  1. The schedule has been a re-organised because of MoD announcing the ‘Ranger’s Regiment’ and ‘Hadrian’s Wall 1900′.

Autumn edition – published late July

  1. Lead is the 55th Foot and their innovative training with Robert Rogers’ Rangers in 1756/7. This should coincide with MoD announcing that the new Rangers Regiment is operational. Features will include the last pieces from Ted and David’s series.

Winter edition published late Oct

  1. The lead is a family tree chart from the 1660s till 2006. Features will include a piece, with quotes from Chris Owens, on heritage and its significance for the modern soldier.

Spring 2022 edition – published late January

  1. The lead item will be on the 34th Foot in Ireland in the 1760s. It is written by Matt Zembo, 34th Foot AWI reenactors, New York State.

Carlisle Military Festival 04 Jun22

  1.  The VIP speaker will be Brigadier Allan Mallinson, historian, novelist and former KORBR officer. Main body of the event will be four authors. There will be displays and sales stalls.

Hadrian’s Wall 1900

  1. The Summer 2022 lead will be on Carlisle’s first regulars: a German cavalry unit in the Roman Army; part of Hadrian’s Wall 1900.

Borders in Eastbourne

6 . The contact with the Eastbourne Historical Society over the possible repair of the gravestone for the regimental mascot ‘Harlequin’ erected by 9 Border in 1915 has gone AWOL. Will chase once lockdown is over and access to the Croquet Club is easier.

4) Membership.

Membership: Currently the membership stands at 134. May loose more due to 8/9 being chased for new level subscriptions. The outline for the Institutional/Corporate membership had been written to ensure 34th Reenactors could become members. Membership details need to be written and included on the webpage. Action NDL/MR

Other reenactors e.g 55th War of Independence & other non-regimental groups would be considered as a case by case basis and be contacted by Peter Green Action PG

Access to the membership list has been given on a reduced level of detail

5) Finance:

The report from the Treasurer was accepted with the update of £15622 in Bank.

6) Status of “Friends

The Resolution required by the trustees has been issued to the Trustees (attached below) The membership fees needed review at the next committee meeting Action NDL

The curator has started the process of opening the new account for the Friends. However it is an on-line form which is proving more difficult than anticipated to complete Action NDL

7) Curators Report.

Museum opened on 17May21 with a steady footfall. The Friends eveny on 18Oct21 will be the first social event though it was intended to start the Vets Lunches in July. Currently the ground floor is only open. The Talks programme has been suspended but may be carried out on-line. Anyone who comes to the museum must be aware of Track & Trace requirements via English Heritage

The two placements have been recruited through Chamber of Commerce Kick Start funding initiative., Anna as a digital trainee. For whom the laptop was required The second person Megan will start in May on the front desk.

No new acquisitions but some in the pipeline.

Requests for funding opportunity support for civilians 

Detail to follow

External panels

There is a need for external panels so that exhibitions outside can take place. There was a request for C£800 for twelve panels, outdoor & weather proof. This was passed. Jules to arrange purchase & receipt to Treasurer. Action JW

It was noted that the Bi annual 4KORBR event was scheduled for 16Oct21

8) AOB

Fundraising was discussed and it was agreed that The Friends would use the Easyfundraising website which paid a small percentage to the museum after every purchase made to suppliers via their website. A letter was to be written to the Friends via the newsletter Action NDL

An easy-to-follow instruction would be written for circulation via newsletter and e-mail Action ML

The Friends will have an Open Evening for Friends and friends of Friends on 18Sep21 starting at 18.30 Cost will be £5.00 per head Bar will be open. Supper cheese and wine type from local suppliers e.g. farmers market type.  Action ME & GMcG

9) Date of next meeting:

Next meeting would be held on 28Jul21 at 1400 hrs via Zoom

Fund Raising Notes


  1. Drive In film show in the Castle (has been tried by English Heritage but worth following up again). Two sites possible, Carlisle Castle or Corby Castle. Quite expensive & probably not profitable if Carlisle Castle used. More chance of profit if used Corby Castle grounds. Patron has a contact to help promote this. Discuss at next Committee Meeting
  2. 100 Club. All were in favour of it but with the following provisos:

We needed to make sure we had the numbers to make it worthwhile

Payment would be a yearly cheque if BACs not available

Winnings paid by BACs where possible

Publicity via the Newsletter & winners announced same way

Could be offered to non- Friends members

Electronic random number generator App to be sourced if possible.


(Reminder –  general idea -100 members pay £1 per month by standing order, there is a draw using 50% of the income as prizes £25 first prize, £15 second prize £10 third prize – gives on this example an income of £50 per month or £600 a year). This can be done during Covid period since no personal contact is made. For further discussion.


iii. On line auction – beg prizes from members & any companies we can coerce and have either an on line Via zoom auction or draw by tickets . Again can be done during Covid times. For discussion

  1. Clay pigeon shoot – could be managed within current Covid restrictions either at a commercial shooting ground or at Corby Castle. For discussion

v Hog roast, garden tours

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