Minutes of Committee Meeting of the Friends of Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life 28Jan21 (Zoom)

1) Present: N. Lewis, M. Milbourn, Ms J Wooding, M. Rosling, , P. Green, K Moualem,   D Allardice , M English, C. Stitt, Mrs M  McArdle

Apologies  , J. Henderson,

2) Matters Arising not elsewhere on the Agenda.


Local History Groups to be contacted when they are meeting normally at the museum Action Jules

RAF Association to be contacted to discuss some form of membership Action Jim

3) Newsletter

An update of the Newsletter was given. We are in the happy position of having too much material. Extremely good feedback has been  received with emails of thanks,

In the store cupboard are leads on: Aden in 1967; Supporting the Civil Power in the 19C; the founding of the 57th; the TA since 1947; the 55th and Light Infantry; the First Peninsular War and Hamilton’ s; and 2 Border in Italy in WW1.

‘Territorials against the odds’- Editor
‘Brigands and Pirates’: 34th in Canada – Laurie Brett
A family in the Regiment – Editor
Gentlemen’s Cavalry 4 – Ted
Ferreting for spares – David

‘Counter insurgency Ireland and America’ – Matt Zembo
Gentlemen’s Cavalry 5 – Ted
Land Rover – David
Borders photo – Brayley

Military Family Tree – Editor
Christmas cards – Editor
Mary Warren grave? – David

4) Membership.

Membership: Currently the membership stands at 139 with the possibility of losing 1
There are 13 overseas members now.  There is a query with the bank regarding the name on cheques. A new signature form has been completed but this is now superseded see item 6 below. Currently the official name should be “Friends of Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life”

5) Finance:

The report from the Treasurer was accepted with the update of £15606 in Bank.

6) Status of “Friends

This major issue was tabled as it was reported that as the “Friends” is not a registered charity, gift aid on subscriptions should not be claimed. It is currently claimed through the museum itself  and  goes into the museum’s account but could be denied in future. Various concerns were tabled. If, as was suggested, the Friends became a subcommittee of the Trustees, concerns were tabled that members could be lost if asked to change bank accounts. It was suggested that current members could remain on one account and new members pay into new one which the museum would have to open with current Friends authorised signatories. Action Chairman

7) Curators Report.

It was reported that the museum is now closed in lockdown 3, and unlikely to open before Easter. Government funding has been investigated but museum doesn’t meet criteria. Other funding is being investigated, people are being engaged online and upskilling staff is ongoing.
Two placements have been recruited through Chamber of Commerce Kick Start funding initiative. To support this, the Friends are invited to help purchase another laptop. It was agreed that the Friends would be happy to fund the laptop, cost approximately £1,000. Action JW

8) AOB

It is with regret that Jim Henderson has tendered his resignation due to ill health. We shall be sorry to see him go he has been a stalwart for many years. Letter of recognition to be written. Action Chairman

Suggested names of members of the Friends who would be useful committee members were discussed. Mr George McGarr was suggested and was to be contacted for availability Action MM

9) Date of next meeting:

Next meeting would be held on 25Mar21 at 1400 hrs via Zoom

Fund Raising Notes

1. Drive In film show in the Castle (has been tried by English Heritage but worth following up again). Two sites possible, Carlisle Castle or Corby Castle. Quite expensive & probably not profitable if Carlisle Castle used. More chance of profit if used Corby Castle grounds. Patron has a contact to help promote this. Discuss at next Committee Meeting

2. 100 Club. All were in favour of it but with the following provisos:

We needed to make sure we had the numbers to make it worthwhile

Payment would be a yearly cheque if BACs not available

Winnings paid by BACs where possible

Publicity via the Newsletter & winners announced same way

Could be offered to non- Friends members

Electronic random number generator App to be sourced if possible.

(Reminder –  general idea -100 members pay £1 per month by standing order, there is a draw using 50% of the income as prizes £25 first prize, £15 second prize £10 third prize – gives on this example an income of £50 per month or £600 a year). This can be done during Covid period since no personal contact is made. For further discussion.


3. On line auction – beg prizes from members & any companies we can coerce and have either an on line Via zoom auction or draw by tickets . Again can be done during Covid times. For discussion

4. Clay pigeon shoot – could be managed within current Covid restrictions either at a commercial shooting ground or at Corby Castle.

5.  Hog roast

6. Garden tours

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