Minutes of Committee Meeting of the Friends of Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life
05 March 2019
1) Present: N. Lewis, , M. Milbourn, , G. Stitt, Mrs B. Stitt. S. Eastwood, M. Lund ,Mrs M. McArdle
2) Apologies: C. Stitt, P. Green, Mrs D. Parsons, J. Mills, M. Rosling, J. Henderson
3) Minutes: The Minutes of the last meeting were taken as read
4) Actions from last meeting:
181104 Pack more or less available. Mike R has trialled a set & waits for formal latter from chairman
190101 Ongoing. Friends advertising banner. S.E. says that quote will be about £100. S.E. will need to discuss with Nick about graphics Action N.L/.SE
190102 Ongoing until AGM. Membership to be renewed on 1st of March; if not received by A.G.M., membership lapses. To be included in Constitution Review Action NDL
190103 Life Membership costs varied £100-£500. Agreed £250 but to be confirmed by Membership Secretary & approved at AGM
190104 Phantom Accounts – Carl Stitt has been accepted as Treasurer by HSBC. He will now look into their existence.
190105 MR to write to 22 members who have missed payments. Ongoing
190106 The purchase of 200 ordinary stamps and 300 stamps for large envelopes has been
made. These will be stored in the Museum safe. Need to be included as part of the accounts See below
190107 C Stitt to come over to discuss matters financial especially re-claim of tax on historical events. Ongoing
5) MembershipAs of 04Mar19 130 members including 3 new. Split as follows:
- 6 Patrons or Honorary Members
- 45 Life Members
- 43 Senior Members
- 25 Regular Members
- 13 Family Members
190301 Secretary to include recruiting as a topic in next committee meeting Action J M
6) Accounts.Accounts for year-end presented and “adopted” by the committee (Copy attached) Chairman thanked Carl for his efforts to produce an accurate set of figures.
190302 Copy of year-end figures to be included with this year’s figures for the annual audit of joint Friends & Museum accounts purposes Action CS
7) Newsletter.No points as Editor had sent his apologies. Geoff Stitt offered to write an obituary for his uncle having discovered that as a local man he had sailed on HMS Rodney including the Bismark chase.
190303 Museum requested four pages in the next issue. Action JH
8) Museum Report
SE announced that he would be retiring next year and that he has already informed the trustees.
He reported that much cataloguing needs to be done.
There has been much response from veterans for the planned exhibition on Afghanistan. £20,000 has been acquired from the MOD Covenant Fund.
The monthly Veterans Lunch continues to be a great success and the lecture programme has been produced.
Later in the year there will be an exhibition of 100 exhibits connected with the Regiment and another of the 60th Anniversary of KORB. The 75th anniversaries of D.Day and Arnhem will also be covered.
New material continues to come in.
SE requested a grant of £250 to buy 1st World War official accounts of events published by the Naval and Military Press.
He reported also that the painting of the Crimean Bowls scene needs attention and re-stretching. Estimates will be needed.
190304 £400 maximum was granted by the Friends for the purchase of books (The museum may go ahead with purchases to this value without further referral to The Friends)
9) Future Events.
190305 Paul Laidlaw antique Valuation postponed to later date . Confirm date Action DP
190306 Investigate additional venue (Methodist Hall?) Action M McA
190307 WW1 Dinner possibly to be held during !00 objects Exihibition. Action SE to confirm J Crouch availability.
Friends Open Evening 07Jun19. Cheese & Wine. Friends free – non-Friends £10 unless they join that night
10) Fund raising – to be kept on agenda for next meeting Action JM 190308
11) AOB
190309 agreed to buy a further 200 small & 300 large stamps Action G S
190310 Inform treasurer of purchase & current stock of stamps Action GS
12) Dates of next Committee meeting
07May19 At the Museum 1600 hrs
25Jun19 AGM 1900 hrs
10Sep19 At Museum 1600 hrs plus talk (TBC)
Current programme:
TBC | Antique Valuation | Paul Laidlaw | D Parsons |
TBC | WW1 Dinner | TBC J Crouch | M Milbourn |
07Jun19 | Friends Open Evening | Cheese & Wine | TBC |
25Jun19 | AGM | 1900 hrs | JMills Secretary |
10Sep19 | Committee Meeting plus talk TBC | Meeting at 1600 hrs Talk TBC | JMills |
19Oct-19 | Gallipoli Landings | John Mather | N Lewis |
04Dec19 | Combined Services Carol Service | Cathedral | P Chandler |
Feb-20 | Talk The March East | TBC | P Green & N Lewis |
190101 | Friends advertising banner/graphics. See Nick for photos & arrange meeting with Andy at graphics | S Eastwood/N Lewis |
181104 | Welcome Pack for new members | N Lewis/M Rosling |
190102 | Membership renewed 01Mar. De-listed if not renewed by AGM. Incorporate into Constitution | N Lewis/M Rosling/C Stitt |
190104 | Treasurer to look into phantom accounts when he verified as treasure by HSBC. Further form filling to follow. | C Stitt
190105 | Write to 22 members who have a missed payments record. | M Rosling
190309 | Purchase 2ndclass stamps I n advance of 01April19 when price rises.200 ordinary & 300 large to be purchased & stored in museum safe Signature system needed to stock control | G Stitt/M Rosling |
190107 | Carl to be invited to discuss claiming tax issues | G Stitt |
190301 | Secretary to include recruiting as a topic in next committee meeting | J Mills
190302 | Copy of 2017/18 year-end figures to be included with this year’s figures for the annual audit of joint Friends & Museum accounts purposes | C Stitt
190303 | Museum requested four pages in the next issue. | J Henderson
190304 | £400 maximum was granted by the Friends for the purchase of books (The museum may go ahead with purchases to this value without further referral to The Friends)
S Eastwood & C Stitt
190305 | Paul Laidlaw antique Valuation postponed to later date . Confirm date
D Parsons |
190306 | Investigate additional venue (Methodist Hall?)
M McArdle |
190307 | WW1 Dinner possibly to be held during !00 objects Exihibition. Confirm J Crouch availability.
S Eastwood |
190308 | Fund raising – to be kept on agenda for next meeting | JMills |
190309 | Agreed to buy a further 200 small & 300 large stamps
G Stitt
190310 | Inform treasurer of purchase & current stock of stamps
G Stitt