3493 Private Thomas Beach VC
Born in Dundee in January 1824 (although another source states born in 1828), Private Thomas Beach VC transferred from the 91st Highlanders to the 55th Foot at Gibraltar where the 55th were based there from March 1851 until embarking for the Crimea in May 1854.
Thomas Beach VC was awarded the VC for gallantry at the Battle of Inkerman on 5th November 1854 – “For conspicuous gallantry at the Battle of Inkerman, 5th November 1854, when on picket, in attacking several Russians, who were plundering Lieutenant-Colonel Carpenter, 41st Regiment, who was lying wounded on the ground. He killed two of the Russians and protected Colonel Carpenter until the arrival of some men of the 41st Regiment” – citation published in the London Gazette of 24 February 1857.
In fact “Beach attacked five Russians who were stabbing at Carpenter with their bayonets” – General Hume.
Presumably he was one of those presented with his VC by Queen Victoria at the investiture at Hyde Park, London in 1857.
He died at Dundee on 24 August 1864.